Predict the physical and chemical properties of astatine


Predict the physical and chemical properties of astatine. Astatine is placed below iodine in Group 17 of the Periodic Table.
Physical properties of astatine:
  • Black solid
  • Has low melting and boiling points
  • Has a low density
  • Cannot conduct electricity
  • Poor conductor of heat
  • Slightly soluble in water

Chemical properties of astatine:
  • Astatine reacts with cold sodium hydroxide solution to form sodium astatide, sodium astatate (I) and water.

At2 (s) + 2NaOH (aq) → NaAt (aq) + NaOAt (aq) + H2O (l)

  • Astatine vapour reacts with heated iron wool to form a brown solid of iron wool to form a brown solid of iron (III) astatide.

2Fe (s) + 3At2 (g) → 2FeAt3 (s)