What is the common uses of methane?
- Methane is the main component of natural gas. It’s a common fabric, plastic, anti-freeze and fertilizer ingredient.
- Some consumers use the methane in natural gas as a source of energy while cooking. Others use it to heat and cool their homes.
- Through a process called distributed generation, the methane in natural gas can create electricity.
- Methane reacts at high temperatures with steam to yield the hydrogen used in the manufacturing of explosives and ammonia-based fertilizers.
- Chemical reactions with this compound also yield carbon tetrachloride, methanol, chloroform and carbon black. Carbon black is used in the rubber of tires as a reinforcing agent. Chloroform is utilized in applications such as coolant and spot remover. Carbon tetrachloride is the active ingredient in fire extinguishers.
- Other valuable chemicals derived from methane include methanol, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, and nitromethane. The incomplete combustion of methane yields carbon black, which is widely used as a reinforcing agent in rubber used for automobile tires.